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Silent Day Retreat

  • Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House Colorado 67 Sedalia, CO United States (map)

Simple Life Missions is hosting a day-long Silent retreat at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center located in Sedalia, CO. The retreat center is a beautiful Jesuit retreat house surrounded by natural beauty. Though this retreat is a Day retreat, you could also extend your stay for an overnight if it is more conducive for your time.

What to expect: The day will be spent with you and the Lord. We will start with some guided prayer and direction and then the rest of the time 9a-3p will be spent in silence with you and The Lord. We will end our time in group reflection and end with prayer.

What to Bring: Bring you Bible, Journal, or a devotional and a water bottle. Fasting is encouraged through the day Saturday. If you cannot Fast due to dietary restrictions or health concerns, please bring your own food provisions for the other meals.

Transportation: You will be expected to arrange your own travel plans. The retreat is located:

4801 North Highway 67
P. O. Box 185
Sedalia, CO 80135-0185

Please reach out to Rob Bergman if you have any other questions or would like to sign up!

Earlier Event: December 9
Silence and Solitude Retreat
Later Event: December 14
Day-Long Solitude Retreat