Why Simple Life Missions?


Where is our Treasure?

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

If Jesus looked at where we put our treasure in our churches and ministries what would He say we valued? Would He be pleased with the fruit of our ministry? Many churches and ministries have experienced “worldly success”, with fantastic concert-style worship gatherings, huge numbers of people, and expensive/lavish buildings, but the depth of intimacy with God, and with others is surface deep. What if we focused effort, resources, and time into a ministry philosophy we see modeled through scripture? What if we stopped asking “How can we be relevant to reach culture?” and started asking, “What has Jesus modeled for us to do?”

Some may argue in rebuttal that there are many churches and ministries doing this well. And we agree with that statement. The picture isn't completely bleak. There are places where people feel that same childlike freedom from the easy yoke of Jesus. There are places where ushering people into God's presence is simple and uncomplicated, but many churches and Christians have not experienced this. Many Christians would say that even though they've heard a thousand sermons, they don't know how to make disciples, they don't know how to winsomely witness, they don't know how to experience God's presence regularly, and they don't know how God's has empowered them to use their gifts and abilities. Could we be missing something in how the “church” is functioning?

First Love:

Our ministry flows from powerfully experiencing the presence of God first and foremost. Our greatest aim is to direct other believers into simple ways to be in God's presence so they can experience His love, affection, and power. God wants to empower all Christians through the power of the Holy Spirit. We can learn and grow more in 5 minutes in God's presence than a hundred carefully crafted sermons.